Many industry aims to improve quality as well as productivity of manufacturing product. So need to number of
process parameter to must controlled while casting process, so there are no of uncertainty and defects are face
by organizations. In casting process industries are need to technical solution to minimize the uncertainty and
defects. In this review paper to represent various casting defects and root causes for engine parts while casting
process. Also provide preventive action to improve quality as well as productivity an industrial level.
Keywords: Casting defects and their root causes, remedies for casting defects.
Casting is a manufacturing process, in which a hot molten metal is use to poured into a mold box, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to solidify. That solidified part is known as a casting, Casting is most often used for making complex shapes that would be otherwise difficult or uneconomical to make by other methods. Casting is a process which carries risk of failure occurrence during all the process of accomplishment of the finished product. Hence necessary action should be taken while manufacturing of cast product so that defect free parts are obtained. During the process of casting, there is always a chance where defect will occur. Minor defect can be adjusted easily but high rejected rates could lead to significant change at high cost. Therefore it is essential for die caster to have knowledge on the type of defect and be able to identify the exact root cause, and their remedies. In this review paper an attempt has been made to provide all casting related defect with their causes and remedies.
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